Friday 9 August 2013

My Journey: First 4 Weeks

 So, before we start I think I should introduce myself…my name is Sarah and I am 28 and I am a serial yo-yo dieter. You name it, I have tried it. Slim Fast, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Saints & Slimmers, Cabbage Soup, No Dairy, Gluten Free, Starvation, Fasting, Slimming Tablets – been through them all and more throughout my life. In fact, I am struggling to recall a time when Monday morning did not herald the beginning of a new diet/crazy eating fad…

From as far back as I can remember I have wanted to lose weight and the dream of being thin has always been at the forefront of my desires…I think at this point it might be useful to point out that I am very dramatic and parts of this blog may be slightly enhanced…

So basically I was at an all time low in the chubbiness stakes…I had never felt fatter and it was getting me seriously down. I had started counting calories and trying to keep to about 900 calories a day – most of this was made up with packaged products with little or no nutritional value but was easy to count up. Bearing in mind I am nearly five foot eleven and of a larger frame…there was no way this diet was sustainable, I was shattered and starving for nearly the entire time and don’t think I lost a pound (PFFT).
Things were dire and I was contemplating purchasing some seriously dodgy ‘weight loss aids’ from eBay as a desperate attempt to shed some timber before a holiday I have planned to Las Vegas. Needless to say as many diets had done before this one, it was destined to fail before it had even started…

Out of nowhere I received a message on Facebook to say that I had won a “Drop A Dress Size” wellness plan…I recalled ‘liking and sharing’ a page but didn’t imagine I would ever win. I was ecstatic – it was perfect timing and it felt like fate. Sara who runs the Wellness Camp messaged me the details and asked if I would like to accept the prize which included eight exercise sessions and a nutritional plan – with all measurements taken before and after the diet started – OBVS I said yes!!

I didn’t quite know what to expect when I went to the first session, I was very nervous about being weighed…apart from myself, my doctor and one very enthusiastic Slimming World representative  I don’t think anyone else has ever known what I weigh…straight away Sara made me feel at ease. She didn’t give me any disapproving glances when I hopped on the scales and didn’t try and push on me the importance of weight loss…this was a big thing for me. I am very conscious about my weight and can be super sensitive so was nervous I would burst in to tears at the sight of a tape measure and run out of the session never to be seen again…

Sara was really supportive and unlike the Slimming World experience where the ‘weigher’ grabbed my arm and said (with her eyes) “we will help you get there” (kill me now!) it was just all very comfortable. No drama, fuss free and she just generally gave the impression that she was a nice person who wanted to support me without making me feel like I had a mental disease because of my unhealthy relationship with food!

So, after Sara had measured me and jotted down all my details she explained the nutrition plan – at first, I will be honest, I was a little bit nervous that I wouldn’t be able to stick to it. It was very different to how I was used to eating and I couldn’t spot one little carb on there, not even the well loved household, humble spud…however with every inch (lots of them!) of my being wanting to change how I look and feeling mentally strong I was ready for it. After seeing the scales spin round the numbers twice (this may be an exaggeration), Sara’s supportive and informative words and my holiday to Las Vegas in mind, I was determined that I would give this diet my absolute best shot.

After the measurements we went through to the fitness class. The class went really quickly but it was hard. The girls in the group were really friendly and Sara explained each exercise. Afterwards, I genuinely thought I was going to pass out (it is worth noting my first session took place in the height of our mini heatwave aka two week summer) I was sweating and could see a cheeseburger guiding my soul into the light as I wobbled down the steps to my car…I felt completely done in, but felt good I had done it. I had to sit in my car for a good ten minutes before I felt ok to drive. This is a reflection on my own poor personal fitness, Sara hadn’t pulled a whip out and forced us all to do military style drills, in fact the opposite, she encourages you to listen to your body and know how far you can push but still wills you on to get to that limit before giving up.
Needless to say, the following day I WAS SORE. It felt satisfying to think I had worked hard enough to feel like that. Ten bottles of radox, lots of hot baths, stretching and a few miles walking I felt right as rain and couldn’t wait for the next class!

Now, like any avid yo-yo dieter knows, all diets start on a Monday, it is an unwritten law in the yo-yo dieters handbook so sticking with this lifetime habit, I started the nutrition plan on Monday 15th July.
Just as a sample this is what I ate on the first day:

Breakfast: Grapefruit
Lunch: Tuna Salad
Snack: Hummus and carrots.
Tea: Chicken Salad

The days that followed took similar format, meat, fish, veg, salad, eggs – no pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, crisp, fizzy drinks, chocolate etc…pretty much just good, fresh food. Greek yoghurt was listed on the plan and I really loved having in for breakfast with berries or a banana – fruit doesn’t play a huge part in the diet so I was always really grateful for some berries! Pictures of my food diary are included below:


I don’t drink a lot of alcohol anyways so it wasn’t an issue for me not to have any on the plan but so I didn’t feel like I was missing out when I went the pub etc I would order soda and lime (preferably fresh lime/lemon) – it is really refreshing and it felt like I was having a little treat!

It took my body a good couple of weeks to adjust to the diet change, it varies in people and some people adapt faster than others. Around day fourteen I was struggling – I had pains and felt absolutely exhausted. I was beginning to think about moving over to Slimming World and giving that another try. My dieting buddy – who I will refer to as Mrs C – had been doing SW and having really good results. I made the (stupid) decision to get weighed around this time…I had lost five pounds in two weeks. I wasn’t happy. Mrs C had been loving SW and having potatoes (JEL) and had lost more than that…I was really upset and felt like my effort wasn’t paying off. So basically I cried for a while, annoyed all my friends and loved ones with my sad face and then thought about the fact Sara had told me it doesn’t go off just weight and measurements are more important as these reflect size more than weight does…I made a confession to Sara at my next session – to be fair she didn’t seem shocked that I had weighed myself against her advice- probably because I come across as an obsessive nut job…anyhoo, back on the wagon I tried to remain positive and remember how good the classes were making me feel. Little advice from Mrs C and I was back on it and enthusiastic to lose weight and change my appearance.

Strictly speaking the plan is 28 days – however, because of my penchant for Monday morning diet starts I had actually only done 23 days when I got measured and weighed. I stuck to the diet all the way through and like Sara said my body did adjust to the diet and I felt healthier and more energetic. People commented that I “looked glowing” – which was weird – partly because I was hoping if anyone had commented on my appearance it would be “Wow Sarah, we barely seen you there because you’ve lost so much weight…” but also because I had never ever associated dieting and fitness with my overall wellbeing. Anyone who knows me knows that I am often fraught with negativity about myself so it is a massive thing for me to say that the plan and the classes had really improved my confidence and the obsession with losing weight had started to be replaced with feeling better about myself.

The classes are always a hard workout for me but they have got easier and they go really quickly. Sara changes them each time so they are always different. Like dieting, I have tried many exercise fads…I have been a member of two gyms and even though the second gym has been utilized a lot more I still never really enjoyed any of the classes. Most of them would be an hour long, which is just too long for me, my attention span goes after 40 minutes so Sara’s 45 minute sessions are perfect for me. 

A few wise words from Mrs C and my Mum and a comment from my fella’s Nana that I ‘had slimmed right down’- I was ready for the scales.

I arrived to the session on 6th August (FYI my birthday!) and was so nervous. I knew I had stuck to the plan but was so used to failing at diets I expected poor results. So in we went to get measured. Sara was excited because she said she could tell I had lost…I bounced on the scales…I didn’t have my glasses on so had to rely on Sara to tell me I had lost ONE STONE AND ONE POUND… I didn’t believe it…I got on again…I felt dizzy with relief and disbelief all rolled into one.

Next…the measurements…in total I had lost 16.5 inches – mostly from my belly which I was very pleased with. I wandered into the exercise session in a happy daze…when the session was over I couldn’t wait to get home and tell everyone my good news…truth be told they were more relieved than I was, I don’t think they could face my heartbroken self again (after the breakdown on day fourteen).

I am going to continue the sessions and Sara has given me a second nutritional plan which is a little bit different from the first one and I have already started it (on a Wednesday I may add).

Well Woman Wellness Camp really has helped me change how I think about losing weight. There is no disputing I will probably fall off the wagon at some point but for now I am feeling confident. I have about three stone I would like to lose and I am going to give it a good try. I go on holiday in three weeks time so I am going to stick to the plan religiously until then and then return to it when I come home. It is hard but it is totally achievable and if I can stick it out anyone can! I can’t wait to get on the scales and be a stone lighter and inches smaller…I would recommend this plan to anyone but especially to all those yo-yoer’s out there…WE CAN DO IT!!


  1. I really need to have my food look that colourful every meal. Looks delicious. Good luck :)

  2. The food looks really lovely, and very healthy! It sounds like the plan works on your whole body. Good luck with it.

  3. Well done you on losing so much! That is such an amazing achievement! I love reading posts like this and I am super happy that you are feeling more positive! Keep up the good work!

  4. Oh really nice blog dear,
    Now I´m following you in bloglovin´and GFC I hope your follow me back in both!
